Wednesday, May 25, 2022


Fall in Love With Mathematics: CBSE School Teacher Explains How

The fact that many people do not enjoy mathematics is not a secret. In fact, the idea that mathematics is a particularly challenging subject has long been adopted as something of a national anthem. 

As a maths teacher in a CBSE school in South Kolkata, it pains me to see students avoid such a beautiful subject. So, in this post, I will lay out some points that will help you get over your fear and maybe even fall in love with the subject.


cbse school in kolkata


Make It Easy on Yourself

One of the reasons you are still struggling with mathematics is that you have a preconceived notion about the subject. You have come to the conclusion that this course is not for you. 

Let me make a quick submission to you: your mindset determines your life's trajectory, and you can change it.Your life will never be settled if you don't get your thoughts in order. 

Instead of thinking negatively about math, switch to thinking positively about it. Start telling yourself that math is simple and "I love math" today. I do this with my students, and it works.

Practice Practice Practice

Mathematicians' success is primarily due to their dedication to practice. 

It is in your best interest to spend as much practice time on the course as possible, says a fellow maths teacher of our best CBSE school in South Kolkata.

Solving the problems over and over again will help you understand the essence of the formulas, the steps, and the "why" of the question and the answer.

Ask Questions

Have you ever found yourself lost while solving a mathematical problem? If you have and are on the brink of giving up, don't! Stop and ask questions and keep on asking until you get the answer. 

Take the help of your book, search online, skim through YouTube, or better yet, ask your teacher. The teachers here at our English medium CBSE South Kolkata, always encourage students to 

You have all the resources you need to get yourself back on track again. All you need is the will.


Set questions for yourself every now and then, and see if you can come up with answers to them. As an additional option, consider answering questions from various other math textbooks. 

Let yourself be drawn into a dialogue of inquiry and response. Make sure you don't get discouraged if you make a mistake on the test. Learn from your mistakes.


Now, don't get yourself stressed out. I'm not asking you to teach a class in the best CBSE school in South Kolkata. You may be thinking, how can I teach someone when I am barely good at it? Here's some news - no matter how poor in maths you believe you are, there are people you are better than.

Try to teach your best friend, brother, sister, or anyone you know who might be interested. 

Teaching people the little that you know will boost your confidence and make you remember more. 

Research shows that you remember 90% of what you have learned when you teach others.

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