Wednesday, October 19, 2022


Ways to improve the concentration of students: Recommends top CBSE School

Lack of concentration makes it difficult for students to understand the easiest of topics, and they end up scoring poor grades in exam. The top CBSE School in Kolkata discusses some of the ways to improve the concentration of students.


cbse  school in kolkata


Methods to improve concentration power of students: Suggests top CBSE School

Lack of concentration is a common problem in students. Whenever students sit down to study, they can rarely focus and end up confusing everything. The best CBSE School in South Kolkata suggests some methods that can help improve students' concentration power. Let's discuss

  • Meditation: Yoga and meditation are effective ways to improve the concentration of students. Yoga and meditation are not just a form of physical activity but a form of exercise to enhance spiritual and mental well-being.

  • Keep away from electronic devices: Electronic gadgets like laptops, mobiles, music players, and TV should be switched off while studying. These items distract the students and cause a hindrance in their studies.

  • Set a goal: Preparing a study plan will help the students to stay motivated. Students can prepare a weekly or monthly plan according to their curriculum.

  • Take a break while studying: Studying continuously for a long time will make students less receptive. So it is advised to take breaks while learning to rejuvenate the brain.

  • Study in a noise-free environment: Students must study in noise-free rooms with proper light to focus on the subjects. If students sit in noisy rooms, they will lack concentration and will not be able to focus while studying. 

Tips for parents to improve your child's concentration

Parents play an essential role when it comes to improving the concentration power and focus of the child. Here are some tips for parents shared by CBSE schools in south Kolkata to improve your child's concentration. 

  • Promote healthy habits in your child

  • Make learning exciting and fun

  • Encourage your child to involve in physical activity 

  • Help your child plan study times

It is necessary to support a child to help them develop their concentration power and, at the same time, encourage them to experiment with more challenging subjects which will enhance their skills.

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