Wednesday, September 21, 2022


Top CBSE school’s approach to practical knowledge rather than theoretical

A child’s memory is only enhanced if he gets a practical approach to the subjects. This allows the child to recollect the concepts and apply them when required. Theoretical knowledge of skill-based subjects needs to be supported by practical ideas.  One of the Top CBSE School in Kolkata says that getting only theoretical knowledge is useless if the student fails it for practical reasons.


cbse school in kolkata


Integrating practical knowledge in teaching methods: Explains Top CBSE School.

Today’s education system needs a tangible approach and therefore focuses more on hands-on experience instead of bookish knowledge. Best CBSE School in South Kolkata claimed that practical knowledge has a broader sense and students learn the facts while enjoying studying. There are ways by which practical knowledge can be imparted in schools. Let’s discuss. 

  • Connecting to the new world: Students can learn best when they can apply the knowledge to real life. Each student’s learning experience is led by their outlook towards the world. CBSE schools in south Kolkata makes sure that their experimental education has a connection to the actual world. 

  • Perfection acquired through practice: Teachers must motivate the student to practice more to achieve perfection. For instance, if a student is learning a new language, teaching should involve communication with others in the same language; otherwise, it will be quickly forgotten.

  • Use of visual aids: A picture is worth a thousand words. Research proves that students can recall more information when described through images. Teachers can demonstrate using photographs, practical experiments, videos and smart boards. 

  • Cultivating other skills: Practical knowledge allows the development of their interests, talents and abilities. Practical methods give students an idea about what they want to do, leading them to self-discovery. 


Importance of practical knowledge

CBSE School in Kolkata stated that practical knowledge is valuable in improving knowledge, retention and application. Here are the things students can learn by doing and experimenting.

  • Practical knowledge encourages self-learning 

  • It leads to perfection 

  • Practical work increases experimental studies

  • Increases self-confidence and makes them independent 

  • Involvement of participation is more in practical teaching


Practical knowledge is essential for students to learn and understand how things work. Practical knowledge is gained after implementing the task; hence, it helps to recall and apply concepts easily compared to bookish knowledge.

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