Wednesday, August 16, 2023


Ways to make your child more confident before examinations


student in cbse school

When exams start approaching, children tend to become stressed. This causes them to feel underconfident, which can negatively impact their performance. As a parent, you can take certain proactive steps to make them feel more confident and ensure academic success. Below, the teachers of the best CBSE school in South Kolkata have discussed ways to achieve the above.

Tips to make your child more confident before examinations:

  • Offer positive reinforcement: Try to acknowledge your child’s efforts irrespective of the pace of their progress during exam preparation. Encouragement from parents acts as a source of positive reinforcement for children that helps boost the latter’s self-confidence and make them more resilient in the face of challenges, says the best teachers of a reputed CBSE school in Kolkata.
  • Help set realistic goals: Assist your child in setting realistic goals in their daily routine prior to exams. For instance, try to break down bigger tasks into small, more manageable parts. Once they complete these tasks, they will start feeling more confident, which will eventually work towards building their self-esteem.
  • Encourage learning from setbacks: Your child might have had a setback in one of their previous examinations, which can make them feel stressed. However, you can encourage them to learn from their negative experiences and view them as opportunities to grow. 
  • Visualize success: Ask them to think about the future of how their efforts would be rewarded and the recognition they will receive if they perform well in their exams. This visualization of success will motivate them to do their best in their upcoming examinations and feel more confident, states the teachers of the top CBSE school in Kolkata
  • Introduce them to mindfulness: Introduce your child to certain mindfulness exercises, such as meditation combined with some breathing techniques, which will enable them to feel calmer and more confident.

Follow these effective tips by the teachers of a reputed CBSE school in Kolkata to make your child feel more confident before their exams and ensure good results.

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