Tuesday, November 28, 2023


Benefits of outdoor learning sessions

Outdoor learning helps to provide an immersive and dynamic educational experience that breaks away from the moulds of a classroom by harnessing the power of the natural world. It cultivates a sense of responsibility towards nature by going beyond the rigorous academic constraints of the curriculum. The teachers of the top CBSE school in South Kolkata explain four different ways how outdoor learning sessions can be beneficial for your child.

What is outdoor learning?

Outdoor learning sessions seek to leverage the natural environments and enhance the learning experience by fostering a dynamic approach to teaching. Such learning can be incorporated within the curriculum by planning occasional school trips or organising engaging activities for students within the institutional premises. 

 Four unique benefits of outdoor learning sessions

Here are the four ways how outdoor learning sessions benefit your child.

1. Improved mental health and physical well-being

Organising outdoor learning sessions positively impacts the student’s mental and physical health.  Regular exposure to nature helps reduce anxiety and stress, improving their well-being over time. 

2. Deeper connection with the environment

These learning sessions foster a sense of environmental responsibility. It allows the student to connect with the natural world and instil a deep appreciation for the environment.

3. Participating in diverse projects

Students can participate in diverse group projects and activities outside of their classroom. This will enable them to have hands-on experience and gain unique perspectives from these outdoor learning sessions. 

4. Boosts creativity

Nature helps in serving as a medium that inspires creativity among students. Outdoor environments act as rich stimuli for creative thinking and learning, thus allowing the mind to freely explore beyond the confines of a traditional classroom.

Outdoor learning sessions play a pivotal role in enhancing the overall educational experience for students. The teachers at the top CBSE school in South Kolkata encourage the participation of students in various outdoor sessions, bringing a holistic approach to their educational journey. 


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