Tuesday, March 26, 2024


How to improve your concentration power?

Concentration is essential for learning and performing well in school. Here are some simple tips to enhance your concentration power, suggested by the faculty of one of the leading CBSE schools in Kolkata:

Create a Distraction-Free Environment

Find a quiet and comfortable place to study where you won't be disturbed. You should switch off your phone or put it on a silent mode to avoid distractions from calls, messages or social media. Also, keep your study area organized and clutter-free to help maintain focus.

Break Tasks into Smaller Steps

To prevent feeling overwhelmed, break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable chunks. Set specific goals for each study session and focus on completing one task at a time. 

Use Proven Techniques to Stay Focused

Practice mindfulness methods such as deep breathing or meditation to calm your mind and improve concentration. To maintain focus and productivity, you can try the Pomodoro Technique, where you work for 25 minutes followed by a short break. You can also use visualization techniques to imagine yourself completing your tasks, boosting motivation and concentration.

Take Regular Breaks

According to teachers of one of the most popular CBSE schools in Kolkata, taking short breaks during study sessions can help rest your mind and prevent mental fatigue. You can stretch, walk around, or do a quick exercise to rejuvenate your body and mind. However, you should avoid long study marathons without breaks, as they can lead to decreased concentration and productivity.

Stay Organized and Manage Time Effectively

Use a planner or timetable to schedule your study sessions and allocate time for different subjects or tasks. Prioritize your assignments and focus on completing the most important tasks first. The best idea is to avoid procrastination by starting your tasks early and sticking to your study schedule.

Get Adequate Sleep and Exercise

Ensure you get enough sleep each night, as lack of sleep can impair concentration and cognitive function. Engage in regular physical activity, such as walking, jogging or playing sports, to improve overall brain health and concentration.

By incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, you can gradually enhance your concentration power and achieve academic success in CBSE schools in Kolkata.

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